Page 13 - Orbital Mekatronik Systems Pvt. Ltd.
P. 13


         Linear Potentiometer KTM / Linear Potentiometer LTM / Linear Position Sensor PKM

               Linear Potentiometer KTM             Linear Potentiometer LTM             Linear Position Sensor PKM

      Model        Linear Potentiometer KTM         Linear Potentiometer LTM         Linear Position Sensor PKM
                                                    50, 75 , 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250,  50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250,
       Stroke length  5 , 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 175, 200,
                                                    300, 350, 400, 450 , 500, 550, 600, 650, 700,  300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700,
       (mm)        225, 250, 275, 300, 400 mm
                                                    750, 800, 900, 1000 mm           750, 800, 900, 1000, 1200 mm
      Resistance   5K Ω                             Upto 500 mm 5K Ω and above 500 mm 10K Ω  Upto 500 mm 5K Ω and above 500 mm 10K Ω

         Linear Potentiometer HK-S01

      Model                          HK-L05                  HK-L10
      Sensing Distance                4mm                    10mm
      Variable Range                  5mm                    10mm
      Display Accuracy                5um                     5um
      Measuring Force               about 0.7N              about 0.6N
      Protection  Sensor Head         IP65                    IP50
      Level    Amplifier                           IP40
      Mechanical Life                      More than 10 million times
      Ambient Temperature Range       Working: 0~+50℃, saving: -10~+60℃
      Ambient Humidity Range          Working: 35 to 85% RH, no condensation
      Vibration (Durability)  10 to 55 Hz, single amplitude 0.35 mm, X, Y, Z axis direction 50 min
      Impact (Durability)               150 m/s² 6 directions,each 3 times
                                             Connector relay type
      Connection Mode
                               (sensor head-preamplifier: 2m preamplifier-connector: 0.2m)
      Weight (After Packing)                   About: 100g
               Sensor Head                     Stainless steel
      Shell    Sheath                             Viton
      Material  Mounting Bracket               Stainless steel
               Stator                           Ultra steel
      Accessory                    Preamplifier mounting bracket right angle adapter

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