Page 8 - Orbital Mekatronik Systems Pvt. Ltd.
P. 8


         Safety Laser Scanners

       Light Source                Infrared laser(905nm)
       Laser Safety Level          Class 1 (GB7247.1-2012, Eye-safe IEC)
       Laser Spot Light Diameter   8mm
       Laser Spot Light Scan Angle  12.5 mrad
       Scanning Angle Range        300°
       Scanning Frequency          25Hz
       Scanning Angle Resolution   0.5°
       Sensing Range               0.1m~20m
       10% Reflectivity Range       10m
       Outdoor Performance         Anti-dust, Anti-sunlight
       Rain Fog and Smoke Penetration  Supported

         Area Sensors

      Number of              5 Optical   8 Optical   12 Optical   16 Optical
      Optical axis            axis         axis        axis         axis

                            T5N-XN5      T6N-XN8     T6N-XN12    T6N-XN16
                             T5N-XP5     T6N-XP8     T6N-XP12     T6N-XP16
      Sensing height         100mm       140mm        220mm       300mm
                           Opaque object
      Sensing object                           Opaque object φ30mm min
                           φ30mm min
      Sensing range            3m                       4m
      Beam pitch             25mm                     20mm
      Voltage                          12~24V DC pulse(P-P)±10% max.

         Pick to Light Sensor

            Screen Height                      Total Height
              80mm                               115mm
              120mm                              155mm
              160mm                              195mm
              320mm                              355mm
      Supply Specifications   Operating Voltage: 24VDC ± 20%         Wattage: 1Watt
      Supply Protection Circuitry  Protected against Reverse polarity
      Outputs                PNP/NPN Outputs
                             PNP Output: Supply Voltage - 1.2VDC
                             NPN Output: GND + 0.6 VDC
      Indicators             Single Red LED to indicate Power ON/OFF
                             Single Green LED to indicate Output ON/OFF
                             Flashing LED indications for obstruction and external PLC I/P
      Pitch                  10mm
      Operating Range        Diffuse Mode : up to 400mm
                             Retro reflective Mode: up to 3 meters.
                             Reflective Mode i.e. we can adjust the range as per our requirement
                             using this mode.

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