FMS Repaces Multiple Check Fixtures

The LMI FMS is ideally suited for:

  • Closure panels (inner, outer & final)
  • Instrument panels
  • Sub assemblies

FMS for Gap & Flush Measurement

  • Sampling with CMM’s does not insure that all parts meet specifications. Measuring one or two assemblies per day does not find random errors in assembly and does not provide trend analysis for process monitoring.
  • Measurement of Gap & Flush in-line usually is done with hand-held probes, subject to operator error and with high labor cost.
  • In-line measurement is made more complex when flexible assembly lines produce multiple significantly different models, making fixed laser sensor measurement impractical.

LMI Robotic Inspection Sensor

3D Measurement Capabilities

  • Contours
  • Angles
  • Surface Point(s)
  • Edge Location
  • Vertex Measurement
  • Feature Locations
  • Stud Locations
  • Feature Parameters
  • Gap Flush

Seam Finder 2 - The Tool to High Quality Robot Welds

Optimal welding quality through accurate and rapid localization of most seams to be welded

  • Easy to interface with new and existing robot systems
  • Robust design for harsh industrial environment; Standard product integrated with cooling and air purge as well as pneumatic shutter protection
  • Visible laser light makes the sensor easy to program
  • Small sensor head for tight work areas
  • Measurement insensitive to ambient light, surface texture and colour changes
  • Designed on experience from more than 600 world wide installations of first generation Seam Finding Systems